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Book Trailer: How to Invest in Stocks
This book provides an overview of different stock investment strategies, giving you the means to develop an approach that fits your situation
How to Invest in Stocks: A Beginner’s Guide to Making Money and Managing Risk in the Stock Market
This book shows new investors how to survive and thrive in the stock market. Get ready to begin your journey to financial prosperity!
Key Challenges Posed by the Social Component of Environmental Impact Assessments
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) are carried out whenever an investment project has the potential to produce negative environmental and/or social→

Rodolfo has been interested in aviation for a long time. He is a general aviation pilot with instrument and multiengine→

Rodolfo enjoys traveling to different places. In addition to Peru and the United States, he has been to Argentina, Bahamas,→

Rodolfo is a black belt judo practitioner. He is also the author of “Judo: Seven Steps to Black Belt (An→

Social Safeguards: Avoiding the Unintended Impacts of Development
Large-scale development projects oftentimes end up creating negative impacts that affect vulnerable populations with particular intensity. Projects likely to displace→

Book Trailer: Social Safeguards
Development projects are all about bringing benefits to people, but oftentimes they also create negative impacts on the local population.→

Book Trailer: Indigenous Peoples and Tropical Biodiversity
Achieving environmental conservation and socioeconomic development is a challenging endeavor, particularly when we do not have the necessary tools to→